Sunday, February 20, 2011

There's no rush!

I took years to put on oodles of weight, there was no rush then. It was a slow and steady process. I enjoyed every minute of it....the long licks of icecream, the steady inflow of melting chocolate, the steaks, the sizzlers, the weddings, the birthdays, the vacations, the list is endless.

The end of every occassion ,marked the beginning of another and inbetween the two lay yet anotheR "half an inch" addition to my waist line. There definitely was no rush.

Finally one day I went to the doctor for a annual check up on the day after my 33rd birthday (the cake was a chocolate truffle n yummy!!). I waited to see him after my test results were in, impatient, as I had to meet my friends for a movie. I sure did need time to buy pop and pocorn! Why wouldn't he just hurry?

The doctor definitely was in no hurry as he looked at me pensively over his round rimmed glasses. My impatience transformed into anxiety and slowly but definitey melted into fear. The bearer of my results didnt look happy but didnt seem to say or do anything but assess me over (or so i thought). But when he spoke, he spoke straight, without rounding off the edges. "Your reports are bad and you need to do something about your weight quickly. You are high on cholesterol, sugar and blood pressure. In no time you might find your knees hurting too. Its your weight that you need to reduce and keep in check" His words rang like a death sentence. And suddenly I was in a rush....not to catch my movie but to lose weight.

Unfortunately there can't be a rush to lose weight. Fat weight comes off steadily, slowly but surely with time and a great deal of discipline. It also follows that to keep off the weight from loading on again, it summons a change in lifestyle habits, priorities and routine. It requires gut and determination. It's entirely possible but not easy. So the next time you run off the mill on an eating spree, make sure "THERE'S NO RUSH"!!